Stranded injured goose with beaver companion (Rescued!)

UPDATE: A few days after this video and post, a few of us coordinated through Safe Wings Ottawa, were able to capture-rescue the goose! It was thanks in large part to Lisa, who knows what she is doing in these matters – the 2 kayaks brought for the rescue weren’t even needed. The goose was then transported to Sandy Pines Wildlife Centre in Napanee where it was assessed (no apparent injuries, but was suffering from parasites) and is being cared for, until hopefully in the spring it will be healthy and released back at the location it was captured.

Please do consider getting involved and/or supporting the work of Sandy Pines, Safe Wings Ottawa, and/or the Ottawa Valley Wild Bird Care Centre (!).


This lone goose has been at this last remaining spot of open water since the ice came a few weeks ago. Apparently it is injured and can’t fly south this winter. It goes back and forth between the shore and the water.

This beaver was keeping it company when I most recently visited to feed it (I brought some corn, peas, etc; someone else had left it bird seed, visible on the ground in the video).

If the water freezes completely and solid enough, the goose would likely be caught be a fox or coyote within a night or two.

BUT… local bird mortality-reduction organization Safe Wings Ottawa has a rescue operation planned, with two kayakers in wetsuits accompanied by a ground support crew. Hopefully it will work out!

The risk of avian flu (HPAI) over the past couple of years has meant that the Ottawa Valley Wild Bird Care Centre, for example, no longer takes in any swans, geese, or ducks, to ensure the other birds don’t catch the virus – but if this goose can be rescued and assessed, there are still a few possibilities available for what to do.

2 thoughts on “Stranded injured goose with beaver companion (Rescued!)

    1. The beaver wasn’t stranded, no, but I was thinking about it and it must be able to swim for long distances under ice. Someone had some photos of the beaver at an ice hole it was keeping open, and it was probably at least 150m away from this open water. (PS sorry I didn’t see your comment earlier, it got auto-filtered into ‘unapproved’).

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