Category: Video
Handout to stop private development of sacred Chaudière site
A group has formed to save the Islands at Chaudière Falls in Ottawa from being developed into condos, retail and…
VIDEOS: A Walk For Mother Earth arrival on Parliament Hill, with speakers
From June 15 to June 22, 2014, ‘A Walk For Mother Earth’ continued the journey of ‘Peoples for Mother Earth’…
Postal Banking at Canada Post? Video interview on New Zealand success and Canadian possibility
Interview with George Collins & John Anderson, discussing the case for offering banking services through the post office in Canada,…
The 2004 Haiti Coup – Ten Years Later… Interview with Mario Joseph, Haitian Human Rights Lawyer (bilingue)
Joseph describes the context and leadup to the foreign kidnapping (by US military, with aid of Canadian and French forces)…
Spirituality, the Chaudière Falls, and Responsibility – Albert ‘South Wind’ Dumont with Judith Matheson
Algonquin Elder Albert Dumont (South Wind) was interviewed by Judith Matheson on 12 February 2014 about the spiritual importance of…
Film Review: The Inmates Are Running The Asylum
Film Review: The Inmates Are Running the Asylum By Greg Macdougall Set in the time of mass de-institutionalization of…
Tikinaagan research examines traditional Anishinabek values around children
40-minute video interview, along with link to full thesis document, follows article, which was originally published in Anishinabek News,…
Niigaan: In Conversation – Red Man Laughing Live Podcast (VIDEO)
Niigaan: In Conversation, a grassroots Ottawa project led by four Indigenous community members who have held 13 public events since…
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