Continue Reading... Fertile Soil for Social Change: Kuyek’s “Community Organizing” a wise guide for activists
Posted in Video Writings

Fertile Soil for Social Change: Kuyek’s “Community Organizing” a wise guide for activists

‘A book and toolbox all in one’ – review of Joan Kuyek’s Community Organizing: A Holistic Approach, along with interview….

Continue Reading... Edge-U-cation – Report
Posted in Event report

Edge-U-cation – Report

The ‘Edge-U-cation’ event was held on Wed Mar 16 in Ottawa, with 20-plus people in attendance. The theme of the…

Continue Reading... Notes from Independent Media Discussion
Posted in Event report

Notes from Independent Media Discussion

Notes taken from a discussion on independent media as part of the ‘open space’ part of the open university summer…

Continue Reading... Independent Media – ideas & strategy
Posted in Event report Writings

Independent Media – ideas & strategy

IMC Ontario Workshop Feedback   Feedback from Anarchist Bookfair Workshop (October 2002) and other places   Positives: part of a…