Continue Reading... Building a Local Independent Media Network
Posted in Event report Writings

Building a Local Independent Media Network

BUILDING A LOCAL INDEPENDENT MEDIA NETWORK >> the following ideas were presented by myself (Greg Macdougall) as a session at…

Continue Reading... Healthy Roots – notes from a community building conference in Guelph
Posted in Event report Writings

Healthy Roots – notes from a community building conference in Guelph

Healthy Roots was a community building conference in the fall of 2003 at the University of Guelph … offering an…

Continue Reading... FTGU notes – Diversity; Decision-Making; Environmental; Partnerships
Posted in Event report Writings

FTGU notes – Diversity; Decision-Making; Environmental; Partnerships

Notes from different break out group discussions at the 2003 From The Ground Up: Building Healthy Communites forum in Kitchener,…

Continue Reading... Independent Media – ideas & strategy
Posted in Event report Writings

Independent Media – ideas & strategy

IMC Ontario Workshop Feedback   Feedback from Anarchist Bookfair Workshop (October 2002) and other places   Positives: part of a…