The Multimedia & Multi-cultural Toolkit released!

m&m_toolkitA guide to understanding and using multimedia to build stronger communities through diversity in Canada — from the Multimedia & Multiculturalism Initiative of the United Nations Association in Canada.

View/download it at this link (82-page PDF):


From the introduction:

This M&M Toolkit is about you. You will discover a wealth of tips, guidelines, and testimonials on how to initiate and promote inclusive media within your community of diverse cultures and heritages. The M&M Toolkit can be used by anybody with interest in using media and communication tools to bring together a group, neighbors, schools, employees or a ‘community’ to explore solutions towards building a socially cohesive society in Canada.

A reader/user will gain knowledge and in-depth understanding of:

  • Terms used in the M&M Toolkit on diversity, cultural identity and other related themes.
  • Why Canadians should care about diversity and social cohesion within their communities and day-to-day interactions with their fellow citizens.
  • Community mapping exercises, including tips on how to assess the needs and capacity of your community, and get to appreciate its assets – the people who live and work in the community; including volunteers and knowledge experts.
  • The process of engaging one another around a common goal, capturing our voices, and presenting our views in an accurate and balanced fashion.
  • The art of organizing community events and ways to overcome fear and mobilizing towards a common goal.



My contribution

I was asked to contribute some thoughts to this toolkit,
and on page 25 they feature some of my words:


Expert Opinion
Tips from an independent media maker:

“Involving different people is key from the outset. Get feedback and input on the initial idea: How could it work better? Who else could be involved?

Giving people different ways in which they can participate and be a part is important. Identifying barriers to participation, and figuring out ways to overcome them can help ensure that the different people who can benefit from the project are able to be involved.

Involvement includes having a sense of ownership, buy-in, connection and deriving value from the project. Extend this to media-makers, organisations and communities that are served by, or benefit from, the project.

To be successful, there must be well-thought out plans and strategy for both organisational and economic sustainability – making good media is not enough. Also ensure that the project is providing something of value to people/communities on an ongoing basis”

Greg Macdougall
Equitable Education


About the M&M Project

LogoThe Multimedia and Multiculturalism Initiative website is It was a three-year project that is just now drawing to a close.

For an introduction to the project, you can see my article, podcast and videos from the 2011 M&M launch in Ottawa.

I also video-recorded their later event, Telling Our Own Stories.

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