A series of seven short videos featuring Albert “South Wind” Dumont. Filmed at Singing Pebble Books on 16 March 2013. (Read Albert’s blog post about the event here).
Old Joe – Childhood memory
“Old Joe was born without the ability to speak but still his prayers were heard with great beauty and eloquence.”
The Accident – Giving thanks is necessary in life
“I was 40 and I was sure my life had come to an end.”
Creating a Poet – Painful life experiences can have great purpose
“If nothing else, the miseries of my life created poetry.”
The Apple on the Oak Branch – Childhood memory
“I was a mischievous boy and knew how to play a trick.”
What is Time? – Philosophy
“Philosophy is wondrous.”
Carpenter Ants – The land as an ally
“Ants lifted me out of despair.”
The Little Bird – Learning from the land
“A little bird can teach a man to become strong.”
Albert “South Wind” Dumont wishes to express his gratitude to Greg Macdougall for his awesome work in the development of these videos.