A collection of items for printing: for People’s Libraries, for info-tabling, for hand-to-hand distro, for conversations – for liberation.
Scroll down for the links.
Note: Nothing in these needs to be considered definitive.
If you were writing one, what would *you* write?
And after you’ve read them, … what will you *do*?

One page, double sided — print, then fold in half:
- “Enclosures of Possibility: The University & the Encampment” 2-page PDF
Communique from the People’s University for Gaza at UBC (read text version) – via EquitableEducation
- “Lessons on Taking the School” 2-page PDF
Communique from Siemens Hall occupation at Cal Poly Humboldt campus – via CrimethInc.
- “Zine: notes for encampments and escalations” 2-page PDF (three different formats) or at non-onion links (two formats)
Anonymous. (Folding note: in half, then in half again from each side, then from top & bottom.)
Multiple page, double sided — print, fold, and ideally, spine staple:
- “Flood the Gates: Escalate” 4-page PDF
An intervention by Palestine Action USA.
- “First We Take Columbia” 4-page PDF and other formats/languages
Lessons from the April 1968 occupations movement – written by Yale & Columbia encampment participants – via Ill Will.
- “To Them, We Are All Outside Agitators: Encampments & Escalation” 4-page PDF
From CUNY, City University of New York – by Within Our Lifetime (fka NYC SJP) – via Haters.Life
- “The University, Too, Must Be Destroyed” 6-page PDF and read online format
‘Identifying Antagonists in a World of Genocide’ – from Long Leaf Distro.
- “Salish Sea Intifada: Notes on Expanding the Struggle for the Liberation of the Palestinian People” 10-page PDF or online reading version
Published before the encampments, and not specific to students nor occupations – via Fugitive Distro.
- Gaza Solidarity Flyer 1-page PDF (4 flyers/page) and other resources
- Open Letter to the Encampments and Protests in Support of Palestine (read online)
This letter is somewhat similar in nature to some of the zines above, but most notably – and the reason to add it here – is the addendum section it has, “Postscript: On the difficulties of criticism in a leftist and nonprofit scene,” which is good to read for anyone uncomfortable with how some parts of the zines above may seem to have a harsh or critical view towards some aspects of the encampments.
The open letter with postscript, is included in the It’s Going Down zine edition of May 22 (18-page PDF) which consists largely of content from encampments and other Palestinian solidarity actions; the zine appears to be a compilation of all the content published on the IGD website over the past 3-4 weeks plus some social content.
*Disclaimer on post title:
Not every zine here is necessarily written/created by institutionally-enrolled ‘students’.
**Disclaimer on post:
This started with me taking the text of the communique from UBC and turning it into a print-friendly version (the first link in the list). I also knew of another zine, and had found a couple others while looking through some links, and then when I first distributed print copies, I got feedback about a few others – so I decided to compile a list here of the links, for people to more easily access them. I’m not sure how many people realize the qualitative difference of sharing information in print, personally, compared with all the social media conditioning we’ve been acculturated to. Print + DIY distro is worth it, for quite a few reasons.
If you know of other zines that would fit with this list, you can add them in a comment:
Defending The Camp
A Report from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Gaza Solidarity Encampment
6-page PDF (3 pages printed double-sided