This is a crowd-sourced database collection of the various statements and positions taken by organizations, public institutions, elected officials, unions, companies, etc in response to Capital Pride.
Capital Pride’s statement denounces antisemitism, Islamophobia, Hamas’ actions of October 7th, and Israel’s ongoing genocidal military campaign against Gaza, and affirmed actions they are or will be taking.
A number of high-profile individuals and large institutions have withdrawn from participating in Capital Pride overall, and/or particularly are boycotting the big parade Sunday afternoon August 25, as a reaction to the Capital Pride statement.
The purpose of this collection here is to make it simpler and more accessible for people to find all the different positions taken on this issue; also, it creates a historical record for future reference.
Add to the table
If you know of anything missing from the listings, please use this form to add it.
You can add a new entry, or also add revised/additional info for an existing entry.
If you have further input, suggestions, or questions that don’t fit in the form, you can add a comment at the bottom of this post.
How the table is organized
The table is embedded below, and can also be opened in a new tab/window using this link if that is easier viewing.
Use the scroll bars, and the pop-out arrows if needed.
Also, the way the view is ordered can be modified by playing around with the options at the top.
The table is organized by category of responder: first the Capital Pride statement, then Collective Statements, then from Organizations/Institutions, then Elected Officials, then Companies, then News Reports and other media that feature one or more individuals’ perspectives.
Remember, it’s not complete. If you see something is missing… PLEASE ADD IT !