If you’re pursuing personal fitness and would like to learn some additional skills to take you to an improved sense of well-being and capability, please check out the following sections: Workouts | Back Exercises | Nutrition | Sex | Mental Health.
Running & Exercise Technique: Workout Workshops
Come join me for an informal training session(s) where we go over the various running skills, drills and exercises that top track and field athletes use in their training regimen, taught to you by a former national junior champion! Approximately 45min-1hour, you’ll come away with the knowledge and ability to do-it-yourself: warm-up, work-out and improve your technique. Contact me at 613-656-5498 for more info.

Do-It-Yourself Back Exercises …
… and the science behind them. Download/print this PDF article (2pgs) that profiles the research being done in Kinesiology at the University of Waterloo, and the results: four proven-effective exercises for you to do.
Nutrition: We heard it’s good for you
Two reading sets for you to feed your brain before you feed your body: the first article (2pgs) summarizes a series of workshops on nutrition, what works well to eat as well as how to accomplish it. The second articles (3pgs) are based on an interview with UWaterloo’s nutritionist, where she talks about both her approach to ensuring students are well fed as well as how she approaches her private counseling practice.
Learning More About Sex
In this interview, Dee Dussault of Follow Your Bliss discusses perspectives on sexuality, the Sex & Consciousness Experiential Symposium, and her counseling / coaching practice. More at www.followyourblisstoronto.ca (the interview is online at SoundCloud)
Mad Mental Health
The article “Call Us Crazy: Mad movements organize against ableism, mentalism and more” features interviews with five Canadian mad / mental health activists, providing different perspectives and approaches to the issue.
In addition, here are some notes on Aboriginal approaches to mental health, taken from a talk by Carol Hopkins of the National Native Addictions Partnership Foundation.
And, here I am talking about critical approaches to mental health, based upon the ‘Call Us Crazy’ article mentioned above (15-minute interview):