In honour of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women – a collection of links to media resources: written articles, downloadable anthologies, and video & audio of interviews and public talks.

2015 marks the 10th year of SIS vigils on October 4th honouring the lives of MMIW.
((UPDATE: removed descriptions and links for 2015 event listings))
The following media are either produced by me, or alternatively are from events or projects where I was a member of the group involved in hosting/producing it.
- Feature: Murdered & Missing Indigenous Women and Girls, Two-Spirit and Trans People, and Men (The Leveller newspaper, 2015)
Update 2018: Segment on Murdered and Missing Men (and Boys) has been updated and published as a stand-alone article
- Sisters in Spirit vigils honour missing and murdered women – and call for change (Anishinabek News, 2014)
- Vigils honour missing and murdered Aborignal women in Canada (, 2012)
- Honouring Indigenous Women: Hearts of Nations (Indigenous Peoples Solidarity Movement Ottawa / The Sound of My Heart collective):
Volume 1 (2011) – 8.5×14 pdf & 8.5×11 pdfs: insert 1, insert 2, insert 3
Volume 2 (2012) – 8.5×11 pdf
- The Law’s Role in Canada’s Disgrace: Murdered & Missing Indigenous Women & Girls (2015, University of Ottawa Faculty of Law: Shirley E. Greenberg Chair speaker series)
Speaker: Pamela Palmater.
Videos posted here.
- SEEKING JUSTICE: A National Call for a Public Inquiry for the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women (2010, as part of Indigenous Sovereignty Week – Ottawa)
The speakers were Sharon McIvor, Maria Jacko, and Yasmin Jiwani.
Videos posted here.
- The Epidemic of Continuing Violence against Indigenous Women (2009, hosted by Indigenous Peoples Solidarity Movement Ottawa)
Speakers were Sylvia Smith, Verna McGregor, Kate Rex of NWAC, Derek James, Doreen Silversmith of the No More Silence Network, and Bruce Sinclair and Steve Martin of Brothers In Spirit.
Audio posted here.
Deep Gratitude
Thanks you to all who are creating these sacred times and the spaces needed for us to join together and to walk in solidarity with each other. Reconciliation in this Nation of Canada is about us all rising up and lighting the fire of right, real, genuine, authentic relationship with each other.
Reconciliation to our past in order to together create a new future is not an event it is something we need to experience as One to enter into a new consciousness. That in mutual respect and and care and love that as we heal mutually to remember who we are, our own ancestors roots and our own return to nature, to be in relationship with the land and water.
We can use nature’s healing antidote to fear and war and heal from source all that is to return to the energy we have all been created from to care deeply for ourselves and our own human spirit.( Divine Love in all of us) This energy of our eternal souls. That yearns to express what is the best in each of us beyond the pain and sorrow.
To rise up in one voices as women and as good men with feminine hearts to say Enough to war and abuse or violence of any form! We all are called in these spiritually awakening times, to heal, and to care and to live and be the compassion for each other that we yearn to experience as One Global Universal Humanity.
As we recover from pain and trauma of the past we give in no longer any power. As we choose in these times of living not just from fear, competition, and violence of the ego based on survival at any cost. We are awakening to the power of free will and choice.
To move to eco to recover our full human potential. In touching our own pain and feeling the pain of each we are in a state of the always of becoming our living from our full human spiritual potential. As we all as One humanity awaken to what we all yearn to experience and be.. to become in actions. The peace and the compassion that our world needs to feel in order to be fully human and remember who we really are as spiritual.
All as one all our relations we are interconnected, interdependent and co-dependent on each other to create a healthier world and a healthier society by voting in election 2015 for people with values and vision who are real and deeply spiritual. It is time to love, and honor and care for our One home Mother planet Earth. To see that what we do to the Earth we are doing to ourselves. Let us walk in solidarity with and for each other and for our future generations for as we do we awaken to the truth.
That we are the One’s we have been waiting for it is time to meet and to rise up as grassroots Canadians to support a new process of political will for this country to engage all Canadians to share the prosperity of the joy we have come here to live from! To use just enough as we share in mutual respect, equality and fairness the wealth of care and compassin that is transforming our world as we know it because we are caring for each other and our One home Mother planet Earth.
As we free the imprisoned Ottawa River and all it’s islands to be returned to the people of Canada and the world and to the stewardship of the First original people’s of Canada to teach us how to care for the land and water of the Earth. See
We will see Canada as a Nation begin to awaken to live from justice and peace and our becoming a beacon of light and a meeting place for the world. We will see the seed planted by the late Algonquin Spiritual Leader Grandfather William Commanda of his vision for this sacred Algonquin region of Canada to once again become a spiritual meeting place to welcome the world. On sacred unceded Algonquin land to see the islands also freed and his vision of a “Indigenous Healing Peace Centre” to become built and a reality!
Then in peace and gratitude the Canadian people will finally be given the opportunity to sincerely give thanks and gratitude to our original peoples of Canada the First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples for welcoming our ancestors and sharing this land and water with us in a way by which we all can learn how to care for our Earth. . And in a good way we will see from sea to sea how blessed we are to live on this sacred land and how we all must mutually care for it and for each other. That all must say NO to violence of any form against our women and children..
May we all live the power of forgiveness and with hope move together and beyond the deep pain caused by our past and present policies that must be addressed by new governments! And changed!
The Canadians grassroots people us rising up together in solidarity are giving new leaders the political will to work with us us together in creating justice and a mutual respect, fairness, and equality without which we cannot live and create Peace for a Nation we want to be proud of as an example for a new universal humanity.
The vision of this great spiritual leader Canada’s Nelson Mandela is in these times becoming more real as we all heal and become transformed so to live and be his vision of Canada becoming and being as we heal and change ourselves. A Culture of Peace and a Circle of All Nations once again a Peace leader for our world!