This is offered in the spirit of Indymedia, the innovative, non-corporate, original social media.
This is an Ottawa community crowd-sourced database to document and track “Rolling Thunder” convoy incursions on residents’ lives, and also organized community responses, all together in one place.
Click here to add entries through the input form.
Click here to open the table in its own full tab.”
(The databases from the “Freedom Convoy” Ottawa Occupation in January-February, are at this link.)
Navigate with scroll bar and ‘expand’ arrows:
Good morning Comrades! Since so many of us are going to end up seeing Chuds today, we should have a quick chat about counter protest safety! This isn’t about means or methods, I leave that to your personal judgement. Also tips for intelligence ⬇️
– Inform trusted people where/when you’re going
– Have an exit strategy and a safe route out
– Bring a friend/stay in groups
– Write a phone number in sharpie on your person
– Turn off your wifi and bluetooth on your phone
– Don’t talk to police without a lawyer present
– Be aware (look/listen) of vehicle movements
– Keep yourself informed with updates
– Don’t tag anyone in pictures of counters
– Better still, don’t take pics of counters
Remember: There’s no judgement in leaving/not attending an event your believe is unsafe.
If you can’t attend in person but are instead passing on intelligence to others, here are some tips:
– Who is it?
– What is going on?
– What time is it happening?
– Where is it?
Note what you don’t know! What you don’t knows is as important as what you do.
Or you can use the military acronym SALUTE
– Size (numbers)
– Activity (what are they doing?)
– Location
– Uniform (attire/identifying markings)
– Time
– Equipment
Remember that information is important, but inaccurate information is worse than none. That doesn’t mean don’t talk about something until it’s irrefutable, but specify that it’s unproven. Don’t engage in rumor mills.
To all out and supporting those of us out there today: Ottawa sees you.
No Pasaran! ✊
Oh and if you intend to do mischief, don’t post your Ws on anywhere if they’re illegal, and don’t be Chuds. Do mischief but don’t do what they do.
Ablism, homophobia, sexual harassment, and anything along those lines is never acceptable.